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( luzapena)

  • 1 atzerakuntza

    1. step backward, retreat
    2. ( luzapena) delay
    3. lack of enthusiasm

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atzerakuntza

  • 2 epe

    a. period, time, term; zortzi eguneko \epean in the space of a week; \epe laburrean in the short run; \epe luzean in the long term; \epe luze-ertainean in the long to medium term; egun gutxiren \epean within the space of a few days; egun hartako \epe izendatuan sartu ziren armadan on that very designated day they went into the army; \epea agortu da the time is due
    b. Fin. term, date; installment; behar den \epean pagatu ez duenak the one who does not pay in due time; \epekako plan installment plan; \epeka ordaindu to pay in installments |to pay on credit; \epe laburreko mailegu short-term loan; \epe luzeko mailegu long-term loan
    c. ( iraungitzeko data) term date, expiry date; \epea agortu da the time has expired; \epea bete zaio the term is due; \epe luzatu to extend the term
    2. ( baretasuna, barealdia, patxada) moment of peace; ez du \eperik inon ere he doesn't get a bit of peace anywhere ; zuzendariak \epe galantarekin entzun zidan the director listened to me very patiently
    3. ( luzapena) lag, delay; \epea eman i. to defer, stall ii. to convoke; \epea hartu to lag behind, be held up; \epe gabe indefinitely | for an unspecified time; \eperik gabe without delay, immediately
    4. ( ideia) idea; horrek eman zion \epea etxe hau hola egiteko that gave him the idea to build the house like that

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > epe

  • 3 luzapen

    1. continuation
    2. prolonging, prolongation, extension; \luzapenik gabe egin dezatela let them do it without any further delay
    3. Tel. extension; 234. \luzapena, mesedez extension 234, please; telefono-\luzapen telephone extension

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > luzapen

  • 4 luze

    1. duration, length; bere biziaren \luzea the duration of his life; barka, arren, aipamenaren \luzea please forgive the length of the remark
    2. bidearen \luzera along the road | alongside the road
    3. \luzearen \luzez over a long period of time
    4. Kir. \luzeko jokoa baseline game io.
    1. ( neurria, ez laburra, ez motza) long; nolako \luzea da? how long is it?; ile \luzea du she has long hair; haga \luze batetik zintzilik zegoen it was hanging from a long pole; ez da behar adinako luzea it isn't long enough; bidai \luze long {trip || journey}; bide \luze egin duk you've come a long way; soineko \luze long dress; Van Gogh-en eskutitz \luze batean in a long letter from Van Gogh; eta ulertu nahi ez dutenek, berriz, beste traidore baten izen a idatziko dute beren zerrenda beltz gero eta \luzeagoan on the other hand, those who don't want to understand will write down the name of another traitor on their ever lengthening black list
    b. ( luzapena) prolonged, extended
    c. ( bokala) long
    d. (z.o.) good, long; bost kilometro \luze a good five kilometres
    e. ( + zenbakia) 50 metro \luze eta 25 metro zabal 50 metres long and 25 metres wide; lau milimetro \luzeko ile(ak) hair four millimetres long
    2. ( denboraldia, iraunaldia)
    a. long, lengthy, protracted; urte \luzeak long years | many years; barau \luzea a long fast; lan gaitz eta \luzea long and difficult work; ez du denbora \luzeean iraungo it's not going to last very much longer; mende \luzeen lasaikeriagatik on account of many long centuries of neglect; espetxean egon zen 27 urte \luzez he was in prison for 27 long years
    b. ( epea) long
    3. ( altua) tall; gizon \luze eta lerdena zen he was a tall and slim man
    4. ( berandu, e.a.) late; \luze egin zait it's gotten late; \luze gabe jakingo duzu you'll know before long; \luzeen dela | \luzeenaz ere at most | at the latest
    5. ( patxadatsua) slow, sluggish
    6. ( eskuzabala) generous
    7. stretched out; bertan \luze gelditu to drop dead
    8. (irud.) beso \luzeak ditu he's got pull | he's influential; hortzak \luzerik gelditu zen he was still hungry; azkazal \luze thief adb.
    1. long; \luze mintzatu zen he spoke at length; egia esan, \luze jo zidan sendatzeak in fact, it was one long road to recovery
    2. sprawled out, stretched out; etxeko astorik handiena hilda \luze gelditu zaio the biggest donkey on his farm wound up dead, lying sprawled out
    3. (L) ( berandu) \luze dator he's late

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > luze

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